Faithless - Sun To Me Lyrics

So in future lifetimes
It's a certainty
That we'll again
Fit together perfectly

So in in future lifetimes
It's a certainty
That we'll again
Fit together perfectly

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

I stumbled into you
And yet
Feels as though you were
Sent to me...
That we were meant to be
Together and grow with
Each other
Through the centuries

If my body was your mirror
You'd be able to see
What it is about you
That I'm addicted to
Helplessly you distract me
Like a mountain view of
Rivers crashing into the sea
You all seem familiar to me
Would so, love tie us
Together through eternity
So in future lifetimes
It's a certainty
We will again
Fit together perfectly

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

So in future lifetimes
It's a certainty
We will again
Fit together perfectly

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

If my body was your mirror
You'd be able to see
What it is about you
That makes me shiver
You give me a soul fever
And I achieve
A new level of grace

So in future lifetimes
It's a certainty
We will again
Fit together perfectly

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

We do it so fervently
We do it so fervently
With your urgency
We do it so fervently

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me
You're the sun to me

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Faithless Sun To Me Comments
  1. J.... K....


  2. z.... k....

    My favourite,i listen every day :)

  3. M.... P....

    faithless simply the best ....

  4. T.... ....

    f in tune daY OR NIGHT !!

  5. T.... ....

    if only

  6. M.... I....

    che pezzo!

  7. s.... j....

    Love this 👍👍, thanx 😇

  8. Z.... ....

    *MUSIC OF GODS! Definitely one of the greatest tracks of all time*

  9. R.... R....

    This is great!I love Faithless!!!

  10. t.... ....

    almost decade after this release and after so many years of producing impeccable tunes this one was as epic as any other. miss faithless

  11. R.... B....

    this song is my favorite

  12. B.... O....

    best music with weed

  13. S.... ....

    IAm the sun Und ronny aka Scoop² say ! Ist denn nicht wasserdampf gepresst und gerieben , ein guter energie erzeuger ? OM DA SAT !20%

  14. I.... D....

    Nice but Mark knight remix better than.

  15. E.... T....

    like a good cocktail. you might know all the ingredients but you never get tired of the outcome

  16. U.... ....

    And Juliet is the sun.

  17. D.... L....

    Did you was feeling a unseen ring before? I feel them very often when am in contact with people and I try to make them away.

  18. h.... c....

    baba ne yaptın sen ya bu tınılar müzik elektronik müziğin Müslüm babasısın.

  19. B.... A....

    Trippy video tho !

  20. c.... ....

    great track.thanks for uploading. love faithless.

  21. P.... S....

    My all time favourite group, keep it coming!!!!

  22. F.... N....

    awesome tune as always

  23. d.... d....

    Absolutely phenomenon live

  24. A.... ....


  25. c.... ....

    Chechnya was and will be a free State. Even now, de facto it is independent de jure it is part of Russia. At the moment, Chechnya is occupied by the Russian troops, Russia. In Chechnya, Russia's laws do not work. Chechens are an independent ethnic unit in the world. The Chechens always defended their country from the Russian invaders. Since the 17th century, as Russia came to the North Caucasus, Chechnya is leading a national liberation struggle for its independence. Russia has for four centuries pursued a policy of destroying the Chechen nation and its national identity. Through the substitution of the national system of moral and moral values ​​- the imposition of the Turkish-Arab-Persian culture on them. The so-called religious factor - different trends in Islam: Suffism, Shiism, Wahhabism, etc etc ... Partial and slow assimilation of the Chechens by erasing their language. Physical extermination, genocide, numerous wars when the civilian population is simply destroyed only for the fact that they are Chechens. Partial dispatches such as to Turkey after the Great Caucasian War under the leadership of Ushurma and the second dispatch after the end of the war under the leadership of Shamil. Total delivery in 1944 in wagons for cattle of all Chechens in Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Those who could not be extradited for health reasons were burned and shot on the spot following the example of Haybakh, Galanchozha, etc., etc. The barbarous wars unleashed by Russia in 1994 and 1999. With the use of the most modern weapons and banned including. Aviation, rockets, rocket launcher systems, heavy weapons, prohibited weapons, vacuum, cassette, needle bombs, etc. etc. Extrajudicial executions, abductions, extrajudicial detention, establishment of a system of checkpoints, and filtration camps. Chechnya was turned into a prison under the open sky. Not admission to Chechnya of free media. Persecution of Chechens on ethnic grounds throughout Russia and beyond. Labeling labels, denigrating Chechens around the world giving them the image of bearded, wild, rabid people capable of carrying only weapons and killing. The Chechens must understand that only a civilized, free world led by the US and the European Union, NATO their allies can help them, can protect them from the barbarous spiteful Russia and this savage barbaric Russian world. From this imperial - chauvinistic - misanthropic - aggressive country called Russia. Arabs, Turks and all this so-called Islamic world Chechens are not friends or allies. They make the Chechens only worse decomposing, diluting the Chechen identity, morally - spiritually - moral values ​​from within. Therefore, Russia always pushes the Chechens into this world and to these countries. Russia always does everything so that the Chechens can not understand the Western world. Only the West will help Chechens and Chechnya become free, full-fledged citizens of the world. And it will join the world of civilized States. Chechens need to learn to live with Russia and not in Russia. And Russia must learn to live and respect those countries that are with it in the neighborhood, not trying to seize them. Chechens should return to their sources, language, culture and not look for something new neither from the Arabs nor from the Turks, nor from the Iranians or the Russians. They should become free, worthy, Chechens. Freedom for all enslaved peoples! Glory to Ukraine !!! Glory to Poland !!! Glory of Georgia !!! Glory to Kazakhstan !!! Glory to Moldova !!! Glory to the Baltics! Glory to the heroes !!!

    Чечня была есть и будет свободным Государством. Даже сейчас де факто она независима де юре она в составе России. На данный момент Чечня окупированна Русскими войсками, Россией. В Чечне законы России не действуют. Чеченцы это независимая этническая единица в мире. Чеченцы всегда защищали свою страну от Русских захватчиков. С 17 века как Россия пришла на Северный Кавказ Чечня ведет национально - освободительную борьбу за свою независимость. Россия на протяжении 4 веков проводит политику уничтожения Чеченской нации и её национальной идентичности. Посредством подмены национальной системы морально - нравственных ценностей - навязыванием им Турецко - Арабо - Персидской культуры. Так называемым религиозным фактором - разные течения в исламе : суффизм, шиизм, вахабизм, и т.д и т.п... Частичной и медленной ассимлияцией Чеченцев стиранием их языка. Физическим истреблением, геноцидом, многочисленными войнами когда мирное население просто уничтожается только за то что они Чеченцы. Частичные выссылки такие как в Турцию после Большой Кавказской войны под предводительством Ушурмы и вторая выссылка после окончания войны под предводительством Шамиля. Тотальная выссылка в 1944 году в вагонах для скота всех Чеченцев в Сибирь, Среднюю Азию и Казахстан. Тех кто не мог быть высслан по состоянию здоровья сжигали и расстреливали на месте по примеру Хайбаха, Галанчожа и т.д и т.п. Варварские войны развязаные Россией в 1994 и 1999 годах. С применением самого современного оружия и запрещёного в том числе. Авиации, Ракеты, системы реактивного залпового огня, тяжёлых вооружений, запрещёное оружие, вакуумные, кассетные, игольчатые бомбы и т.д. и т.п. Внесудебные казни, похищения людей, внесудебные задержания, установления системы блок - постов, фильтрационных лагерей. Чечню превратили в тюрьму под открытым небом. Не допуск в Чечню свободных СМИ. Преследования Чеченцев по этническому признаку по всей России и за её пределами. Наклеивание ярлыков, очернения Чеченцев по всему миру придавая им образ бородатых, диких, бешенных людей способных носить только оружие и убивать. Чеченцы должны понять что только цивилизованный, свободный мир во главе с США и Европейским союзом, НАТО их союзники могут им помочь, могут их защитить от варварской злобной России и этого дикого варварского Русского мира. От этой имперской - шовинистической - человеконенавистнической - агрессивной страны под названием Россия. Арабы, Турки и весь этот так называемый исламский мир Чеченцам не друзья и не союзники. Они Чеченцам делают только хуже разлагая, размывая Чеченскую идентичность, морально - духовно - нравственные ценности изнутри. Поэтому Россия всегда толкает Чеченцев в этот мир и в эти страны. Россия всегда делает всё чтобы Чеченцы не смогли понять Западный мир. Только Запад поможет Чеченцам и Чечне стать свободными, полноценными гражданами мира. И влиться в мир цивилизованных Государств. Чеченцам надо научится жить с Россией а не в России. А Россия должна научится жить и уважать те страны которые находятся с нею по соседству не стараясь их захватить. Чеченцы должны вернутся к своим истокам, языку, культуре и не искать что то новое ни у Арабов ни у Турков ни у Иранцев ни у Русских. Они должны стать свободными, достойными, Чеченцами. Свободу всем порабощённым народам !!! Слава Украине !!! Слава Польше !!! Слава Грузии !!! Слава Казахстану !!! Слава Молдавии !!! Слава Прибалтам !!! Героям Слава !!!

  26. �.... �....

    Сука !!! 150 долбо....

  27. J.... B....

    What's more to say than its faithless masters of this type of music great band live great at making videos in to art work just about great at any think they will never be another band like faithless I loved them from day one and still love them now almost 2018

  28. d.... ....

    thath song bring sun to me.....

  29. S.... S....


  30. M.... K....


  31. A.... K....

    Excellent visuals...!

  32. b.... p....

    very good song enjoy it

  33. A.... E....

    I heard this on Dancefloor 164 by Andrew Howlett, sounds so cool on there...

  34. G.... S....


  35. p.... 3....

    Bref ça va très vite tout çà, tousse ahhh... aussi pour certains mais voit on l'éclair, le micro éclair, l'orage, le micro-orage qui foudroit tout ces pauvres gens en èxés, trop éxités !? Non donc cette petite vidéo... (je passe sur les comentaires), n'a rien de terrible ; juste des pauvres types qui ont filmé la circulation sans même faire voir les problèmes de circulation !?
    Bon, pas de problèmes de circulation en tout cas chez moi !

  36. S.... M....


  37. l.... s....

    niesamowita nuta ;)

  38. O.... P....

    Demanding 4K60FPS version.

  39. A.... Y....


  40. N.... N....

    Still great

  41. P.... C....

    love this song!

  42. M.... S....

    that's very sunny 😊

  43. V.... B....

    Cómo diablos alguien le pudo haber dado: dislike, a esta maravilla de cancion. No saben apreciar el gran trabajo de esta super banda.

  44. S.... H....

    wowwwwwww. its incredible!

  45. c.... f....

    faithless get better and better with age. what a tune.

    c.... f....

    This is their best but
    nevr caught on here in the united states

  46. b.... l....

    this guy is genius

  47. M.... K....


  48. Z.... C....


  49. y.... b....

    Any one here praising the sun? \[T]/

  50. D.... ....

    This really isn't a new song now is it?

  51. D.... R....

    still awesome.

  52. M.... D....

    gorgeous, thnx for the upload :-)

  53. R.... S....

    Hi' does anyone knows which city is that.? with the towers n boats..?

    R.... S....

    RAPTOR Sjk nope, at first I thought maybe London coz of the underground shop. end of day the sun rises above every city though <3

    R.... S....

    +Tracey Cranfield hello mate'
    ya the first one was london (royal albert hall) then they showed Paris (my town) n other citys..
    but where there's some boats it look like new york but im really not sure because the river is really large and i never been there.. 😣
    hope im right..

    any know.? 😉

  54. S.... Z....

    a great tune tune to listen thanks guys for great work

  55. T.... R....

    Spawn terror is a bitch...!

    T.... R....

    We don't want you here so fuck off somewhere else.

  56. M.... T....

    other dimension💆🔝🆙

  57. K.... M....

    D, you're the sun to me. Radiant and beautiful and warm in love

  58. M.... T....

    Zapomniałem😃Pozdrawiam całą BARCELONĘ

  59. M.... T....

    Pierwszy raz słuchałem jego muzyki 21 lat wstecz,nadal jak go puszczam robi na mnie wrażenie i miłe wspomnienia
    Pozdrawiam wszystkich ludzi lubiących jego(ich) muzykę i jeżdżących na rolkach.

  60. D.... V....

    the visual aspect is matching the sound. Good job bobweiszsucks !

    D.... V....

    see um life pal all sum

  61. S.... ....

    i would share this on facebook if the title wasnt so retarded

    S.... ....

    just share. don't mind the retardedness.

    S.... ....

    all redy dun

  62. F.... L....


  63. w.... j....

    Maxim your the sun to me to deear friend

    w.... j....

    😲 , u👉 👬..?!

  64. S.... W....


  65. E.... C....

    cool this

  66. C.... P....

    This tune some my persona nicely What a tune so up lifting.

  67. I.... P....

    Sun is abstract, who ever sees the sun during the working day?

    I.... P....

    +Iouri Ponomarev you don't? change your focus!!!!!

  68. K.... K....

    3.20 - 4.00 wonderfullll

    K.... K....

    +KOPUZ KOPUZ Lmao that sounds like shit

  69. A.... ....

    Mesmerizing *_*

  70. T.... a....


  71. c.... ....

    cracking great tune....faithless best band ever.

  72. a.... t....

    Ματεοτις,ματεοτητον είπε ο εκκίσιαστις....

  73. M.... S....

    I believe there playing in Amsterdam in December..... get there...... 😂

  74. M.... E....

    Ammazing !!

  75. C.... P....

    Doin workout wit diz 1.

  76. M.... R....

    thank Lord thanks, so very much ..  °°°°°°°°

  77. Z.... ....

    *One of the greatest dance acts in history*

    Z.... ....

    The Greatest.

    Z.... ....

    From someone who lived through 4 decades of it.... I agree

  78. A.... S....


  79. D.... D....

    Fucking tune!

    D.... D....

    David Dickinson David! I never knew you like Faithless, you little raver, you! Haha! Brilliant! 😀

  80. P.... J....

    2:24 snáď najlepší timelapse aký som kedy videl.. veľmi zaujímavé..

  81. J.... D....

    Nailed it

  82. M.... M....

    Ti moje zlato, ti moje zlatoooo! :D

    M.... M....

    Milos Markovic pareeeee

    M.... M....


    M.... M....

    The best ever

    M.... M....


    M.... M....

    Na kraju kaze, Novi Sad.

  83. c.... c....


  84. S.... ....

    #Björk  you are the sun to me <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    S.... ....

    sunny greetings from poland

  85. s.... o....

    Faithless = Forever..!  amazing video.. very nice work is this.. this song is awesome.. this band is perfect i mean that.. thank you very much..!

  86. M.... W....

    best video E V E R

  87. H.... S....

    FAITHLESS. Best live band ever, i love this song.

    H.... S....

    Second that, seen them twice. Each time was immense.

  88. Y.... ....

    great job with this video !!!!!!!!!!! 

  89. M.... M....

    bella ;)

  90. D.... ....

    This is some nice art :)

  91. v.... ....

    39 people haven't a clue

    v.... ....

    Turn that number around. its now 93